How to grow Sprouts and Microgreens your place. No garden required!


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Sound doable? Great! Let's get growing...

Below are your two free guides, to help get sprouts & microgreens growing at your place. Let us know how you go? And there's lots more growing resources at, if you get stuck.

These resources are a sneak-peek lesson from our Permaculture Living online course – a 12 week, interactive, learn-from-home, in-depth program of new skills and habits - to help you create personal AND household resilience, no matter where you live.

This course will take you from ‘where do I start?’ to a version of yourself who is FULL of new skills and good ideas – and motivated to start living like it matters.

You can join the waitlist for our next class below - we can't wait to meet you.

Join the Waitlist here

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Two Step

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